Creative Wave – June 2nd
Happy Friday everyone. In a week where Donald Trump seems to have dropped even lower in the world’s collective opinion, how do we stay positive and look to a bright future? Simple. We indulge our inner child and dream big. What better place to start than here?
Drenge are a little rock band from Dorset. They make a hell of a lot of noise for only two of them. Fans of Royal Blood, Black Keys and Queens of the Stone Age should give this a listen… it’s called Let’s Pretend
It’s with great sadness that this week I chose a hero because he unfortunately passed away recently. Marcus Intalex was known around the dance music industry for his passion, work ethic and innovative production techniques that brought different genres together. His soulful, techno-influenced drum and bass is amongst the best ever made. His techno under the alias Trevino inspired even Berlin and Detroit maestros to reach out for inspiration. So here’s to Marcus Intalex the drum and bass pioneer, Trevino the techno maestro and Marcus Kaye the gentlemen. Fabric are streaming his classic Fabriclive CD here for free all week. A true masterclass:
* How cool is this spot from UEFA to promote women’s football? I really like it-
* Ahead of Ramadan this year, an anti-Jihadi video criticises extremism and preaches love not terror-
* Check out E4’s inneuendo-laden Election spot which encourages young people to get out there and vote on June 8th-
* Meanwhile, content agency Forever Beta make fun of apathy with this parody campaign spot from the Can’t Be Arsed Party–
* Last week Donald Trump concluded his tour of Saudi Arabia and brought home presents and gifts worth $1.2billion. Yes, you read that figure right-
* One of the most anticipated films on my radar is Alex Garland’s follow-up to Ex Machina. He’s adapting a quite brilliant book series, and the author is excited. It’s called Annihilation and hopefully it’ll be out by the end of the year-
* Very nice-looking ad here from La Coste which imagines an 80-year-long quest for a couple of get together. Times (and trains) change, but polo shirts stay the same… I guess-
* Not many people know this story, but it’s brilliantly bonkers. In the early 80s, Michael Jordan was a promising college basketballer. He was also almost sliced in half by a samurai sword–
* In what is an increasing trend, McCann have commissioned an extended piece of research designed to tell the truth about a divided Britain. It touches on mood, brands, etc-
* Check out the launch trailer for Far Cry 5–
*Number one is the pop charts this week is a song that no radio station will play because it calls Theresa May a liar. It’s understandably selling like hot cakes-
* Have a look at the shortlist for the Campaign magazine Creative Tech Awards. I must admit, I don’t recognise most of this work. I shall read up and report back-
* Creator and maestro David Lynch beaks down the first four new episodes of Twin Peaks. He talks about the creative process, the shoot, everything-
* Now it seems like Donald Trump is inventing words. Anyone know what ‘covfefe’ means?!
* In Gloucestershire last weekend it was the annual cheese-rolling festival where many slightly unhinged people chase a cheese wheel down a hill. Watch it here-
* Director Neil Blomkamp is an interesting guy. He followed up District 9 with two disappointing executions of decent ideas. Here he’s returning to his roots with a low-fi online series called Wild Oats–
* In the OTT world of football transfers, it warms my heart to see Oxford announce a signing in a McDonalds with a pen stolen from Barlcays–
* The wonderful Benjamin Clementine is back with a quite brilliantly bonkers new song and video. I love how out there this is-
* Here’s a nice photo of a 16 year old Gabriel Jesus getting excited about painting his road ahead of World Cup 2014. Three years later…
* Apparently the infamous bronze sculpture of Cristiano Ronaldo was so good that they commissioned the same guy to do Gareth Bale–
* This fascinating article and video looks at the subtle use of CGI throughout David Fincher’s films, proving that it doesn’t have to be giant monsters and doesn’t have to ruin films-
* If you liked that, try this. It’s a look inside the world of film editing, showing the complexity and technology they have to deal with every day-
* Discover what happened when Cristiano Ronaldo met Conor McGregor and they got in the ring together. Spoiler: they bonded over a love of “designer underwear”-
* This week crucial Google Trends data told us which words American states misspell the most. Shout out to people from Wisconsinites not being able to spell Wisconsin-
* The great Martina Navratilova calls for Margaret Court court to be renamed after Court made a round of homophobic comments to add to her catalogue of racism-
* Excellent film from Smirnoff Ice last year which featured a deaf dancer called Chris Fonseca. Really cool-
* Interesting forward-thinking from Air New Zealand. Their cabin staff are trialling HoloLens augmented reality technology to help give their customers a more personal service-
* Check out the sneaky Facebook ads that are being targeted at potential Labour voters from the Conservative party… focusing on brexit, national secruity and tax-
*The Foo Fighters are back with a new single called Run. Their first appearance and recording (I believe) since Dave Grohl broke his leg-
* Coming soon to the roof of an old ropey shopping centre near you (well, me) is Rooftop Rollers. A new roller-skating bar in Stratford. There’s also a nice cinema up there too-
* Sacha Baron Cohen revisits the time Ali G interviewed Donald Trump about 13 years ago. Trump later claimed he ‘saw through the character’-
* Check out some amusing election leaflets from years past. Love the football team line-up-
* More Twin Peaks content. Listen to the brilliant composer Angelo Badalamenti talk about the writing of the classic Laura Palmer Theme-
* Did you notice that TV channel London Live ran two half-hour adverts for Italy disguised as programmes? Well, they did. Very naughty. Mortifying dull too-
* Next up from David Simon, the creator of The Wire, is a show called The Deuce. It stars James Franco and looks at the emergence of the adult entertainment industry in the 70s-
* Will Arnett, Lego Batman and Arrested Development star, has claimed the new series will return to the show’s roots, and feature more scenes with characters on-screen together-
* This week NASA announced their plans to launch a new mission which intends to ‘touch the sun.’ Their words, not mine-
* Watch the worst goals of the football season in this fun compilation of mishits, own goals and fumbles-
* More than a hundred years after it was written, JRR Tolkein’s lost book Beren and Luthien has gone on sale-
* This extensive new study reveals the full environmental impact of tobacco beyond simply his health implications. Interesting-
* Check out these interactive billboards in Times Square that connect you directly to a website to donate money to try to end world hunger–
* Always ones for inclusivity, this week the Conservative party refused to translate their manifesto into sign language for deaf people-